Humor is a powerful tool. Wielded well (particularly in a self-deprecating manner), it can help defuse tension, build rapport and boost morale. But who would have guessed it had particular application to salary management?
Apparently a good joke can pay off. In simulations conducted by Todd J. Thorsteinson of the University of Idaho, job candidates who jokingly requested ridiculously high salaries received offers that were 9% higher than candidates who made no such jokes. Thorsteinson's research found that introducing a high anchor - even an implausibly high one - into salary negotiations influences the ultimate outcome ... the salary offer.
What can we take away from this?
It's an interesting salary negotiation tactic, although I think you'd need to be quite sure about your reading of the person, the moment and the circumstances before launching it. I certainly wouldn't suggest trying this in reverse. You're not likely to score points in a salary conversation with a employee or job candidate by introducing a ridiculously low salary - no matter how brilliant your sense of comic timing and delivery.
It should, however, reinforce for us how sensitive pay discussions can be to context and expectation setting. And it should remind us of the importance of careful preparation (no winging it!!) for these conversations.
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