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Bill has been an IT guy for his career and his talents might be better suited for getting the bugs out of the latest HR software. His criticisms of the matrix were old news and his work-arounds are standard practice.


Bill may indeed be an IT guy - but the criticisms he shares about the merit matrix are not his alone. My experience would suggest that many managers and employees share many of these same concerns. That's why I thought it was a good topic to address - particularly in light of the data-and-analytics alternative he promotes.

Thanks for sharing your point of view!

Wonder if his "analytics" approach employs the forced distribution method? Methinks it would be extremely unlikely that any IT solution today would be better than the spreadsheet versions of the distant past that analyzed combined weighted survey inputs, derived a normative MRP, input the job value for a configurable range midpoint best fit, then checked performance ratings and their relative weights to compute the proper personal increase percentages to apply to the appropriate midpoints to perfectly allocate a fixed increase/bonus budget pool. No forced performance distributions. No slippage, either.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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