About three years ago, a trio of cheeky compensation bloggers joined forces around an idea. The insight that started it all - that everything (and we mean everything) we do in compensation is, in fact, communication. When we talk and when we stay silent. When we share details about how plans work and how awards are earned and when we keep it all under wraps. The reality is that we are sending messages -- inadvertently and often unintentionally -- with every step of the compensation design, implementation and management process.
If this is true -- and we believe it is -- then why not get ahead of this communication process, take control and use it to make our compensation work better and more impactful? And to increase our own influence and career success along the way?
Following an inaugural standing-room-only presentation at WorldatWork's 2012 Total Rewards conference and many posts, articles and webinars later, Cafe cohorts Margaret O'Hanlon, Dan Walter and I are pleased to announce the publication of our book.
Dreaming about ways that you can have more influence and impact in your work? To learn more and to order your own copy, please go here.
And finally, my special thanks go out to Dan and Margaret, two of the smartest and most creative people I know!