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I didn't take the "pro" side just to shake things up. After all my years of compensation pay equity work, it would have been impossible for me to take the negative position regarding the actual comparable worth concept. While each employer always has the right to adopt its own unique value system, the resulting pay program should always be neutral toward protected class status.


You're right - and my apologies for a remark that appeared to trivialize our respective choices of position on the issue. I know, and I imagine many readers do too, that you have a long history of involvement and advocacy relative to the topic of comparable worth.

Readers, do check out the article for a more detailed perspective on the issue.

Certainly a great topic for discussion. I recently read on Google's own career blog where they were laying so much stress on gender diversity and equality. They are making their best efforts to work in this direction. Even other big companies are talking about it. The next big thing.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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