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I could not agree less; I do not think that there are any fundamental generational changes; in fact even technological change is not as rapid as many would think.. I think adaptation of business should be continuous but steady.. there may be fundamental changes in how our society evolves but certainly generational differences are overstated


Sounds like you actually "could not agree More"?

Right. Even though we have to accommodate all these changes, it should be both for the company and the workers' welfare.

I could not agree more. I took a history class 35 years ago when I was in colege, one of the books we read was about America in the 1830s, there was a passage in it where the adults of the day were lamentng about the new generation and how they had it so good and would never amount to anything. Based on those sentiments from 180 years ago, it seems like it is an age thing, not a generational thing. I guess we would have called them the Jacksonian generation.

Thanks for sharing. This website is to I too have to help. Very good.I like the way you write.

Every serious research report punches great holes in the sound-bite thinking of itinerant slogan pitchmen. This recent WorldatWork blog http://www.worldatwork.org/waw/adimComment?id=60976&from=blog-worldatwork contains more proof of the same "generation generalities don't work" conclusion as other careful studies reveal. Spurious relationships are common when you don't account for confounding variables. That gives lazy thinkers ammunition for silly "truthy" claims like "all winged creatures can fly," and creates work for the rest of us.

My hippie generation is now like what our grandparents were.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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