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Naw, I'll be disagreeable (a frequent if not usual status for me) and take the negative position.

Sure, leaders should help people understand their roles, but it remains up to the employees to fulfil those role expectations. Does no good for anyone if everyone understands what they should do and how it all fits together if all are observers and no one acts to make it happen. "Line of sight" merely supplies the vision for the goal, whether it be corporate or personal. Attaining that objective is a lot easier if progress towards the objective is clear.

Aha - a debate!

So, if I follow your comments and their logic correctly, you would advise most companies to spend most/all of their variable pay dollars reinforcing individual performance achievement? So that base pay, base pay increases and variable pay earnings would be primarily aligned with individual qualifications and results? And advise against using a sizeable portion of variable pay dollars to call attention to group/organization imperatives, recognize moving the needle on collective goals or encourage collaboration on cross-divn/dept/function needs and objectives?

Or am I misunderstanding your disagreement?

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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