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Isn't that the role of the Developmental Review? It focuses on the KSAs of the employee, proven and unproven, and how the enterprise can assist with personal career plans. Obviously conducted off-cycle from the performance appraisal review because it is 100% non-judgmental and must be non-threatening, it covers a much wider agenda than the current job: their desires, ambitions, proven competencies, strengths, weaknesses, what is needed for progression, non-traditional options for training and development, and even (trust level permitting) frank exploration of the limitations of status quo employer capabilities to satisfy known employee future expectations. A cooperative action plan is created, where the employee must act and the employer must provide support.

Since it is an intense employee-oriented career planning exercise, it requires a lot more from a supervisor than a simple current performance review. Special training and substantial additional resources are needed.


A good point, and one I considered as well. In my experience, though, most "developmental reviews" don't really deal with job fit in the manner that I think Tjan is advocating. They may cover an employee's particular career aspirations and potential promotion paths, but they often dodge the different, more difficult and honest assessment of an employee who is doing the job adequately and doesn't express an explicit wish for advancement - yet may need to consider alternatives for the employer's sake as well as their own long term success.

At least that was my take - but I may simply be unaware of good practice already happening in this area. Thoughts?

Very nice and useful points. Performance and Development Review is not simply tabulating scores on a performance ratings form; it is a holistic approach to the development of staff whilst effectively achieving University and individual objectives.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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