The Senate is reportedly preparing to debate the Paycheck Fairness Act, which was approved by the House of Representives in January 2009 when it was passed as part of a package along with the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.
We already know that President Obama has made pay equity legislation a high priority for his administration. I am also told that the likelihood of the Act being signed into law is high because no representative will want to go on record as voting against something as high-minded as "paycheck fairness" in an election year. So there you go.
For more information and thoughts on the Paycheck Fairness Act, I point you to the following posts:
Read This Before You Decide on the Paycheck Fairness Act The ProActive Employer (9/22/10)
Vote on Paycheck Fairness Act Imminent Washington DC Employment Law Update (9/21/10)
The Paycheck Fairness Act: You Decide - Is This Necessary? HR Observations (9/21/10)
The Paycheck Fairness Act & the 77 Cents Myth Compensation Force (7/28/10)
Do you know? What is the Paycheck Fairness Act and why should employers be concerned? Ohio Employers Law Blog (7/20/10)
The State of Pay Equity Regulation: Interview with WorldatWork's Cara Welch Compensation Force (4/20/10)
Image: Creative Commons Photo "My Trusty Gavel" by steakpinball
Aren't politicians just about the most gutless people you have ever heard of? Threaten them with an election year...
Posted by: Michael Haberman SPHR | September 23, 2010 at 09:45 AM
It is enough to make one a bit cynical, isn't it Mike?
Posted by: Ann Bares | September 24, 2010 at 02:54 PM
Don't forget the July 2010 Workspan article we co-wrote (with Paul Weatherhead as editor) on Comparable Worth: It may supply some useful background perspective.
Posted by: E James (Jim/UncleJamie) Brennan | September 27, 2010 at 02:40 PM