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You were one of the first blogs I subscribed to - and continue to read every time! No one can go 100 mph - we all need to recharge.


Ditto here! You're right ... we do all occasionally need to recharge, but it can be frustrating facing that dead battery in the meantime!

Thanks for the support!

Thanks for this post Ann! I've been feeling a little "drained" in my blogging lately... it's reassuring to know that even the best need to recharge!

Ann - you could stop right now and you'd be the gold standard for the next decade - thanks for all the great thoughts over the years!



You're welcome - I guess we have to learn to give ourselves permission to step back and recharge when needed. And no guilt, please.


Thank YOU. That means a lot coming from someone I consider MY blogging standard and mentor. Thanks for all the encouragement and support over the years!

Ann, you made me chuckle. I too started in 2006. I am coming up on my anniversary on August 31. Four years. I have tried to increase my output and I try to make it at least 4 times per week. But sometimes it is very tough. And when the brain is dead one of the FIRST PLACES I turn for inspiration is Ann Bares. I think you write the premier compensation blog and to add to that you have assembled a first-rate team for Compensation Cafe. I also usually turn to Kris as well. Afterall, he is the pinnacle...

Keep up the good work and great writing. Despite the fact that we have never met in person I consider you a friend I have known for a couple of years.

Best wishes..


Thanks so much - you've given me my smile for the day! It's been great having you for a friend through the blogging journey.

(And readers, if you are one of the few not already reading Mike's blog - click on his name above and get over there. The guy is ON FIRE lately.)

Keep up the great work, Mike! Those of us who've been doing this for awhile know the discipline, commitment and energy it takes to put out great content four times a week. I stand in awe.

Thanks for the kind words, Ann. Much appreciated and keep up the great work.


Thanks to you for getting out there early and showing so many of us the way!

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About The Author

  • More Info Here
    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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