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Ann - You rock! Another great commonsense posting that demonstrates why you are always able to transcend traditional comp mystique and manipulation and function as a business leader. Enough of HR folks "trying" to get a seat at the table - just follow Ann's lead by elegantly blending the facts with common sense and executives will beg us to sit front and center!

Hi Ann

I'm new to your Comp blog and this posting on transparency is spot on. Here in the UK, there is also plenty of debate that deals with the 'what'. Of course this overlooks the expectations of employees' to understand the company rationale for pay decisions which affect them. Recent UK attention has focussed on the shortcomings of line managers in managing the 'how' and 'why' of pay communications - is this an important issue of organizations in the US?


Wow - thank you. This is me blushing.


Welcome and thanks for checking in from across the pond! I don't mean to suggest that there is any shortage of debate here - either - regarding the "what", my point is that our efforts at greater transparency shouldn't be focused there. And yes, we tend to fall short on communicating here in the U.S. as well. Whether it is because we don't provide our managers with the information they need to do an effective job of communication, or because we give them the information but don't hold them accountable for passing it along - either way, we have work to do.

Best wishes with your blog www.justrewardsblog.co.uk - and thanks for sharing the observations here!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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