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Good insight Ann.

For large organizations, especially for organizations with global operations and talent spanning multiple countries, market benchmarking process is often a time consuming and expensive process. So, my vote is for three step process. In my opinion the two vs. three step decision should be driven by a simple benefit-cost assessment by the organization.


Your vote sounds like a wise one. I would agree - if I were making this decision for an organization where benchmarking (due to geographical span or other reasons) was an arduous and complex undertaking, I would go with three years as well.

Thanks for the comment and thoughts.


I'm doing Step 2 in this process as an internal HR task. Step 1 was done by an external consultant. I must say, however, that Step 2 is extremely time consuming and I am finding it difficult to get accurate market trend information for Thailand and the Greater Mekong Sub-Region. There are international NGOs against which we can benchmark but this is very limiting. I am finding out that I need to benchmark most positions one-by-one as opposed to using a standard benchmark template. The unique problem with INGOs in this region is that they have two salary scale ; one for international staff ( often based on global salary scales and not country specific ) and one for national staff. In our case we have both international and national staff and all positions are open to international staff as long as they have the language skills.An equitable but unique dilemma! Any suggestions on approaches as well as accessing market trends for sub-Asian markets ?


I don't have experience with the two salary scale approach used by INGOs in that region, so don't know that I have a lot of value to offer. It does sound like a bit of a unique dilemma. Data-wise, WorldatWork's Salary Budget Survey (which was just released in its 08/09 version) does include actual and planned remuneration increases for a number of Asia Pacific countries, data that they say comes to them via an organization called Executive Resources, Ltd. Those might be a couple of places to check.

Best of luck and thanks for sharing your comments and challenges with us here!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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