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Spot-on post, Ann.

Companies with the gumption to embrace transpareny may have to weather more complex employee issues, but they will ultimately be better places to work because of it (as long as everyone knows where the decision-buck stops).

Thanks, Andres. I couldn't say it better. I know the kind of place that I would want to work in (if I wasn't a consultant and was actually employable).

Excellent post, Ann. Most of the people who write and talk about "workplace democracy" are actually using the wrong terminology. In a democracy, individuals have a vote that counts toward resolving an issue. That's not what we have in companies. We can have a participative workplace, but that means the individuals have a say, but not a vote.

Great point, Wally. We do use the term democracy - incorrectly and too often - to describe what is actually participation. By not being completely clear and right in our use of words here, we confuse and mislead everyone as to who has what ultimate role and right. Which sure doesn't help us in our efforts to produce great workplaces.

Thanks for checking in!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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