Our own Compensation Force Spot Survey - Reward Plans in the Fact of Economic Uncertainty - has been up and running now for nearly two weeks. If you haven't already clicked over to our brief (only 4 questions) survey questionnaire to participate, I urge you to do so now by clicking the link below:
I'm going to keep this going for a few more days, in the hopes of collecting as much data as possible, and then I'll post a summary of results early next week.
It is not my intent with this survey to send more negative energy out into the marketplace (heaven knows that there seem to be plenty already dedicated to that task), because I do believe that we - as consumers and as businesspeople - all contribute to the creation of our own good or bad news. It is my hope that we all have mostly good news to share in this regard. But I also know that many of us - including my readers and clients - are facing questions about what changes, if any, are underfoot. By sharing "where things are at" within our own organizations, I hope that we can help each other get a handle on the bigger reward landscape out there.
Thanks to all those who have already participated - and thanks in advance to any who haven't, but will take a minute to do so now!