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reminds me of the Divorce Pay policy I wrote many years ago and ran in the StLouis HRMA chapter of SHRM newsletter.

What a hoot! Well, and why not? Don't we Americans have that lovely term, "taking a mental health day," and why not institutionalize it? :) Could be a nicely-marketable way for employers to show their softer, accommodating, employee-friendly side?

How about adding regular "ice cream days," too? (check out Microsoft co.'s snack bars!!)

At first glance I mis-read the numerical progression and assumed that the more passionate younger folks were given more days off to handle their youthful dramas. But not so! Giving more days off for "heartache" for older employees is interesting. Less resiliant? Or more likely to be entering the age wherein divorces, widow-hood, and family deaths are occurring more frequently?


Interesting... don't think I've ever seen a Divorce Pay policy before ...


I would be in favor of Ice Cream Leave. Your different explanation of the possible reason for more days off to older employees is interesting. I hadn't quite decided if I should be grateful or offended...

Thanks for stopping by!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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