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Thanks, too, for pointing to these related posts. The AFP's determination not to tie compensation to fundraising performance is both admirable and surprising, given that many fundraising groups I've heard of very specifically tie their "fees" to the amount they raise (or are asking for) on behalf of a contracting nonprofit. I have yet to do a lot of research on this, but I imagine it is as complicated as most compensation matters are -- there is something particularly abhorrent about being too interested in financial compensation when one works for a nonprofit, as that compensation literally comes at some cost to the mission. On the other hand, an expert (and motivated) staff exactly comprise the infrastructure by which a nonprofit's mission can be achieved; moreover even a nonprofit executive has to pay rent and eat. (or perhaps someone needs to establish a nonprofit organization to feed and clothe nonprofit executives! Then *everyone* would get to be "All virtue, all the time!!") :)

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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