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Ann -

I saw this one too. Interesting stuff. There was also a recent Time article on raising boys that cited colleges and universities as having issues keeping a 50/50 split male/female with incoming classes.

I feel like research showing females mature faster (agreeing with your point that they are more career focused)along with the sophistication of the employers in those areas accounts for the trend.

The 117% number is wild. It would be interesting to see what industries and job titles dominated the research....



My daughter is a rising senior beginning the college application process; so I have become acutely (painfully?) aware of the disadvantage experienced by young women applying to colleges who are working hard to maintain their 50/50 split in the face of an applicant pool dominated by females.

I agree - it would be interesting to see what this trend looks like when you break the data down by industry and field. Perhaps Dr. Beveridge has that information available somewhere - I haven't yet dug far enough to find it.

Thanks - as always - for reading and commenting!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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