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Another terrific post, Ann. "Perception" and "belief" are such important words here! I was just reading Dale Carnegie last night, yet another wise and succesful person who understood that "reality is what we make it."

What's so interesting about the findings *you* mention is that the circumstances that drive an employee's positive perceptions are both predictable and maleable.
It seems to me that information like this is just money in the bank, waiting to be used by managers wishing both to retain/reward excellence *and* run a a successful, profitable business!

AB - Thanks for the comment. I completely agree with your conclusion about the circumstances driving employee perceptions. Too often we think that successful reward programs are about design and really they are mostly about good communication with employees. Programs featuring brilliant technical design will go nowhere if employees don't understand and believe them - and that is where the managers play such a key role!

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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