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Here! Here! Innovative doesn't always equal effective. Sometimes in our desire to do something different we forget that the real goal is to do something that gets results. The client should be asking, "what incentive plans will get me the best results" not what is innovative.

While I believe in experimenting in order to find the next "best" solution given the changing business environment we cannot overlook the real issue - results.

Unfortunately, when I hear "what is the most innovative" I think they are really asking "what plan will require the least work." Everyone is looking for a magic bullet.

There is an old saying that any plan will work if you work the plan. Too many people want to have a plan with little work. Implementation is always overlooked - remember 10% inspiration, 90% perspiration.

AB - Thanks for the comments, Paul. Sounds like we've had a lot of parallel experiences! There are always those seeking the magic bullet and too often they think that incentives are an easy way to results. When that proves not to be true, they blame the incentive plans ("if only we could come up with a more innovative plan design!").

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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