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Thanks for the link Ann. As you know I develop reward and recognition programs for my clients so I just had to let off a little steam over at the Trusted Advisor site.

I think you nailed it by saying the reward and recognition element is a tool that effective managers can use to drive greater performance. The operative word is "effective." Rewards and recognition are no different than a scalpel. In the right hands it can work miracles... in the wrong hands it can be disastrous. Thanks again for the link.

AB - Paul, you sum it up well: Rewards and recognition are a tool that can be applied effectively ... or not. I, too, make my living developing reward programs for clients - but I (like you, too, I suspect) have encountered enough organizations trying to use rewards to get them out of the admittedly difficult job of employee management. It simply doesn't work.

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    Compensation consultant Ann Bares is the Managing Partner of Altura Consulting Group. Ann has more than 20 years of experience consulting with organizations in the areas of compensation and performance management.

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